Assault Cases

We get people off of assaut cases

Assault Cases

New wording for assault cases

Assault Cases

Drug charges can disadvantage you for life if they are not handled properly.      Do not let a drug charge ruin your career or school opportunities.  If you have been charged with a crime involving the possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia,    we can help you.   Call for a free consultation:  (701) 323-0123. There are many ways to fight drug charges, and there are ways to handle drug cases that will remove the charges from your record.  Most people do not want a drug conviction haunting them for the rest of their lives.  We can help. ​Did you know – You do not have to give permission to a law enforcement officer to search your home or your vehicle?  You have a constitutional right to require the officer to get a search warrant.  The United States Supreme Court has recently ruled in favor of Defendants in a number of drug cases.  If you have a case involving the search of your home, your vehicle, your phone, or even a search involving a drug dog, call for a free and honest consultation. HERBEL LAW FIRM